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Shoulder Surgery Recovery


If you’re on the verge of having shoulder surgery, you may wonder how long it will take to recover from the surgery you’re about to face. Not all shoulder surgeries are the same, so your recovery time for each will vary based upon which procedure you had. Whether you have had an arthroscopic procedure, a rotator cuff repair, an AC joint repair or a SLAP tear, the recovery time from shoulder surgery will vary. If you have an outpatient procedure, for example, you may have a shorter recovery time than if you were admitted to the hospital for open surgery. Depending on how simple or complicated the surgery you was, there are general guidelines patients must follow during shoulder surgery recovery.

Shoulder Surgery Recovery

Sleeping in a recliner or in a bed with many pillows behind you can help you to stay elevated and sleep better after your recovery. Sleep is very important in your shoulder surgery recovery. Sleeping helps the body to renew itself and allows for the tissues within the body to heal more naturally. Keeping your shoulder propped up at night can also help reduce any night pain you may suffer in your shoulder following surgery.

Stretching exercises are also important in the healing process after surgery. Your surgeon will let you know when it is okay to start moving your shoulder again following surgery. It is very important to follow your surgeon’s instructions in the shoulder surgery recovery process. Stretching and moving the shoulder at the appropriate time can help avoid stiffness and expedite the recovery time following shoulder surgery.

If you have any shoulder pain, weakness, or have sustained an injury to your shoulder, contact Milstein Orthopedics by calling (310) 595-1030. Orthopedic surgeon Dr. Eric Milstein will evaluate your condition and help you to find the appropriate treatment for your shoulder pain and injury.

Next, learn more about rotator cuff repair.

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