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Rotator Cuff Surgery Beverly Hills


A tear in your rotator cuff can happen in many ways, but understanding the causes and symptoms of this injury can be crucial when seeking treatment. For example, a partial rotator cuff muscle tear may not require surgery. Instead, some patients rest and perform gentle exercises in an effort to let the tissue heal on its own. A total rotator cuff tear, on the other hand, may require surgery in order to fully heal.

Rotator Cuff Surgery Beverly Hills

Patients who are active and use their shoulders on a daily basis and who suffer a severe rotator cuff injury will find surgery to be an appropriate treatment method. Individuals whose shoulder pain is preventing them from continuing regular daily activities may find surgery helpful for their condition. An orthopedic surgeon may also recommend rotator cuff surgery if a patient’s condition does not improve with nonsurgical treatments methods. Signs that surgery may be necessary include: Symptoms lasting 6 to 12 months, having significant weakness in the shoulder, or the tear being caused by a more recent, acute injury.

If you believe you have torn a ligament or have been suffering from a lot of shoulder pain, rotator cuff surgery in Beverly Hills may be an appropriate treatment for your condition. Schedule an appointment with orthopedic surgeon Dr. Eric Milstein by calling (310) 595-1030 and discover which rotator cuff repair method is appropriate for you and your condition. Using his orthopedic knowledge and experience, Dr. Millstein can better determine if your condition will benefit from surgical or non-surgical treatment.

Next, learn about shoulder revision surgery in Los Angeles.

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